How to Sell Your Cloud – 4 Benefits to Include in Every Pitch 

"I want a solution that's in the cloud..." We've all heard this from our clients and prospects before. But what exactly do they mean? But how do your customers and prospects understand the differences between your cloud-based product from your competition's? But rest easy, because these are the main benefits that most prospects are thinking of when they refer to the "cloud"…

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Product Marketing - Integrating Data, Strategy and Creativity

If organized correctly, the product marketing role really does have one foot in the marketing world with with the other in the product world. As a product marketer, I live in intersecting worlds, where numbers meet creativity and the abstract meets the quantifiable. My role is to ensure that we don’t just list feature after feature—missing the opportunity to directly connect with the prospect, demonstrating the benefit our product—addressing their pain points...

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